2014年2月25日 星期二


After Cruz passes physical, deal official

金鶯棒球事務執行副總Dan Duquette整個冬天都在宣揚耐心.終於, 出現好結果, 一週內完成第三次的補強, 在週一與老將Nelson Cruz簽約
SARASOTA, Fla. -- Orioles executive vice president of baseball operations Dan Duquette preached patience all winter long. In the end, it paid off, with Baltimore officially making its third acquisition in less than a week in signing veteran Nelson Cruz on Monday.
週二早上MLB官網將會有個線上直播的記者會來正式介紹三十三歲的Cruz. 為了清出40人名單, 去年春訓時Luis Ayala交易中入隊,  並且在上季小聯盟對左打群締造.196對戰打擊率的左投, Chris Jones被指定轉讓(DFA)
There will be a news conference, which will be streamed live on MLB.com, to formally introduce the 33-year-old Cruz on Tuesday morning. To clear room on the 40-man roster, left-handed pitcherChris Jones, who held lefties to a .196 batting average in the Minors last season and was acquired in the Luis Ayala trade from Atlanta last spring, was designated for assignment.
Cruz拒絕德州遊騎兵隊開出的1410萬的合格報價合約, 投身自由球員市場測試身價. 金鶯可能以優惠的合約得到他: 一年八百萬附帶激勵條款使合約達到近9百萬美金. 主要將擔任球隊的指定打擊. Cruz與Ubaldo Jumenez與尹錫珉的加入突然讓巴爾的摩在2014陣如上趨於完整
Cruz declined a $14.1 million qualifying offer from the Texas Rangers to test the free-agent market, and the O's were able to get him at a discounted rate: a one-year, $8 million pact with incentives that could make it closer to $9 million. Seen primarily as the team's designated hitter, Cruz joins new pitchers Ubaldo Jimenez and Suk-min Yoon in a Baltimore organization that suddenly looks primed to compete in 2014.
"他們得到一個可以製造大量分數的強力打者"遊騎兵隊總教練 Ron Washinton如此描述這位過去五年至少22支全壘打的打者."他們獲得一個如此熱愛棒球的球員, 在那個小球場中得到他的力量.他是一個極重要的隊員.集所有贏球的關鍵於一身, 這就是Cruz.
"They're getting a power bat and a guy who drives in big runs," Rangers manager Ron Washington said of Cruz, who has hit at least 22 homers in each of the past five seasons. "They're getting a guy who loves to play baseball. They're getting his power in that small ballpark. He's a tremendous teammate. All the qualities you want in a winner, that's Nelson."

Cruz相當程度地強化金鶯陣容, 也帶來一些沉重的包袱, 包括禁藥問題與50場的禁賽. 雖然許多金鶯球員公然反對促進成績的禁藥, 但對於Cruz融入這個團隊似乎不成問題.
Cruz, who strengthens the Orioles' lineup considerably, also brings some baggage given that he was implicated in the Biogenesis scandal and suspended 50 games as a result. But while several O's players have been vocal in speaking out against performance-enhancing drugs, the issue of how Cruz will fit into the clubhouse doesn't appear to be a problem.

"他現在是我的隊友, 而我也要成為他的隊友, 不管你是否同不同意你的隊友, 他們仍然是你的隊友".之前稱使用禁藥的人是"偷錢"的Nick Markakis這麼說."可以確定的是, 我們會歡迎他的到來並且團結的打球"
"He's my teammate now and I got to be a teammate, and no matter if you disagree or agree with your teammates, they are still your teammates," said Nick Markakis, who has called PED users out for
"stealing" money. "He's going to be welcome here and we are going to play as one. That's for sure."

Markakis不認為當Cruz週六抵達健檢時穿上金鶯隊服, 其他球員有對他存在任何敵意.Chris Davis之前與Cruz在德州共事過, 曾公然反對禁藥並認為單季全壘打紀錄應為61支(註:馬里斯紀錄, 後續陸續打破紀錄的打者都涉及禁藥問題), 與Cruz在德州共事過還包含Tommy Hunter與Darren O'Day等人.
Markakis didn't think there would be any ill-will among the other players when Cruz, who arrived Saturday for his physical, puts on an Orioles uniform. Chris Davis, who has also been vocal about PED users and maintains that the home run record is 61, played with Cruz in Texas, as did several other members of the clubhouse, including Tommy Hunter and Darren O'Day.

" 我們知道這球團會怎麼進行下下, 我們知道我們該做的事, 並且朝確定的方向進行."Markakis說,"球員進來這裡必須適應這裡.這不僅僅是打擊區與投手丘上的適應.是在適應調整成一個新的球團, 新的球隊等等.這些適應並不僅僅在球場內, 球場外也是
"We know how things go on in this clubhouse. We know how we do things, and we do things certain ways," Markakis said. "Guys coming in here are going to have to adjust to that. It's not just about making adjustments in the batter's box and on the pitcher's mound, it's making adjustments to a new clubhouse, a new team and so forth. There's adjustments, not just on the field, but off the field, too.

我知道在棒球上發生什麼事, 並且接下來會持續什麼, 但是我的意見不足以改變任何事.他現在是球隊的一份子且他也將成為球團的一部份, 而我們會像歡營其他人一樣的歡迎他.他將成為這球隊的一部份.
"I'm aware of what's going on and what's been going on in baseball, but my opinion doesn't change toward anything. He's part of this team now and he's going to be in this clubhouse, and we're going to welcome him just like anybody else. He's going to be part of this team."

球場上, Cruz參予過兩次全明星賽, 奪過美聯冠軍賽MVP(2011年遊騎兵時), 是一名擁有九年大聯盟豐富經驗的老將, 生涯擊出過157支全壘打, 帶有489分打點. 將會為DH這個位子帶來升級.上一個球季, Cruz在遊騎兵隊109場出賽中打出.266打擊率, 27支全壘打與76分打點
On the field, Cruz brings an upgrade to the DH spot, and the two-time All-Star and former American League Championship Series MVP (in 2011 with the Rangers) is a nine-year veteran of the big leagues with 157 homers and 489 RBIs. Cruz batted .266 with 27 homers and 76 RBIs in 109 games for the Rangers last season.

"將會很有趣"上週剛簽下四年5000萬合約的Jimenez對於金鶯新戰力如此評論."他是個超級明星, 忘掉所有發生在他身上的事, 他很棒"
"It's going to be fun," Jimenez, who signed a four-year, $50 million deal last week, said of the O's newest addition. "He's a superstar. Forget everything that happened with him, he's good."


